A recent interesting discovery in the
field of early Japanese photography is the role played by the previously
unknown French photo studio, Gordes & Co. The firm consisted of two
brothers, Henri and Auguste, and although they seem to have kept a
relatively low profile they played a significant part in the development
of photography in Japan. In the information that has emerged, it is now
clear that their photographic activities in Japan spanned the period
from 1867 at the latest, until 1890. This easily makes Gordes & Co
the longest-running 19th-century Western studio in Japan.
Both brothers were long term residents in Japan and are buried together
at the Sakamoto International Cemetery in Nagasaki. At this point in
time, only a few photographs can be positively attributed; but there are
many albums of Japanese photographs still awaiting studio
identification and given the longevity of the Gordes' studios, it is
almost certain that matches will be made before too long.
Henri Gordes (pronounced Gord) appears to have been the first to come to
Japan and Nagasaki records show him as a resident from 1862. A studio
advertisement carte de visite from the 1870s shows a montage of
photographs, including some that are recognizable as the work of
Stillfried. But the brothers were more than just distributors of the
famous Baron's work.
A 1952 Japanese photo-history book lists the Japanese photographers taught by the Frenchman Anryu Gorudo,
beginning in 1867. Although Henri seems to have been based at Nagasaki
for most of the time, Auguste operated a studio in Osaka from either
1870 or 1871. He was almost certainly the first foreigner to do so,
although early competition was reported in the May 31st, 1871 issue of
the Hiogo News by that newspaper's resident Osaka correspondent:
"We have now two foreign photographic establishments here, which is
rather curious, seeing that there is not one in Kobe. Mr. Parant, who
was formerly with Messrs. Gordes Brothers, has now started on his own
account, and I hear is likely to be a formidable competitor to the older
established house…"
Whilst in Osaka, Auguste placed the following advertisement in the Kobe-based, Hiogo News, just five days after the devastating typhoon which rocked Kobe:
FOR SALE. Splendid Photographic Views of the Disasters in Hiogo,
Taken by A. Gordes, Photographer of Osaka. A Large Photograph on Bristol
Card-board, 24 ½ in. by 14in…. $3. Four photographs on Bristol
Card-board, 16in. by 12in., each $2. The whole series for $10. E.
Vincienne. No. 11, Old Bellevue Buildings Hiogo, July 15th 1871
By 1874 a further studio has opened in Kobe, and another carte de visite
from this time, advertising both the Osaka and Kobe studios, shows the
name of 'A Gordes'. Henri is still resident in Nagasaki. But by 1875,
the directories no longer list the Osaka operation. Kobe remains open
until at least 1877, but by 1880 the brothers have closed Kobe and
consolidated their business in Nagasaki. The studio there would continue
until 1890.
The 1991 book Across the Gulf of Time - The International Cemeteries of Nagasaki,
by Lane Earns & Brian Burke-Gaffney, shows that Henri died in 1889
aged 47, and Auguste in 1894 aged 49.Henri's tombstone inscription
shows that he was a native of Marseilles.
The French Gordes brothers' longevity as commercial photographers in
Japan was a remarkable achievement. They appear to be the first Western
photographers to have had a commercial studio based in Osaka
(1871-1874), and were certainly one of the first to operate in Kobe
(1874-1877). They are also the earliest known Western commercial studio
based in Nagasaki. Incredibly, they are virtually unknown, with very
little photography attributed to them. Their contribution to Japanese
photo-history is only now beginning to be recognised.
(This is only a brief summary of Henri and Auguste Gordes' activities, and the full story appears in the writer's book: Photography in Japan 1853-1912.)
Terry Bennett
1st June 2005
(Updated 1st December 2006)