Old Asia Photography

Book: Early Japanese Images

Ref: EJI
Author: Terry Bennett

Published Tokyo: Charles E.Tuttle Co., 1996. 265x190mm, 168pp.

Since its publication in 1996, this title remains a valuable source of information on Japanese photography during the late Edo and Meiji periods (1850-1912)

Important features:

  • historical overview of the years 1853-1912
  • the story of early Western/Japanese photographers in Japan
  • over 40 photographs in colour
  • over 100 photographs in sepia
  • an invaluable index that identifies the photographers of over 1,200 photos taken in Japan according to their number and title
  • hardback edition, mint condition, signed by author.
Now out of print, it is increasingly difficult to find. We have a few copies still available.

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